Bad Credit Car Loans
Do you have bad credit? Not sure what to do? Banks have said no? We might have an answer for you. Statewide money are specialist in obtaining approvals for clients with bad credit or commonly known as defaults. Our competitors pay lip service to bad credit car loans whereas we employ a default credit manager who exclusively works in this area. If we are not able to give you an approval then no one will.
Statewide money has vast experience in bad credit car loans and we are able to implement a strategy to obtain an approval for you. We don’t just press a button and hope for the best.
We implement the latest technology and data base research before we submit your bad credit application. This gives our clients the highest possible chance of an approved bad credit loan. We are able to consider applicants with the following credit impairments:
1. Paid non- financial defaults
2. Unpaid non-financial defaults
3. Paid and unpaid financial defaults (cond. apply)
4. Discharged bankrupts
5. Discharged part 9 agreements
6. Day one discharged.
If you have bad credit and require a loan, allow statewide money to apply our expertise to obtain finance for you. We will give you a realistic opinion on your chances of successfully obtaining a bad credit car loan. Either use the contact forms on this page or email the bad credit department directly:
CONTACT US NOW ON 02 9752 0000 OR 0415 626 000